Pathways Mentorship Program

Who Can Apply?

Anyone with a great, original idea can make a submission to Formagination. You can be a production company or an individual, a TV pro or a novice in a completely different field – as long as you have a great idea, we're happy to hear it!

You can submit up to TWO ideas (please add them as separate entries).

What Do You Need to Submit?

1. A detailed pitch of an original idea. It can be a video, a presentation or a PDF document. It can even be all of the above, if you insist.

2. A short description of the idea and what makes it unique.

3. A short bio.

4. A signed Formagination Development & Distribution Agreement.

What Kind of Ideas Are We Looking For?

Original ideas that stand out from the crowd and use new methods and mechanisms to tell well-tested stories. A new way of judging maybe? Or a new twist on adventure formats? Either way, it should be structured, smart, fun, entertaining, buzz-worthy and on trend.

Please Note:

It is imperative that your idea be the fruit of your own creation and not the product of any generative AI module.

Want to know more?  What are we looking for?

  • Genre – non-scripted.
  • Target Audience – 18+ (no children's formats, please!).
  • Innovation – yes, please! We're looking for fresh and creative ideas that draw attention. Your idea should include distinct format points and elements that make up the DNA of your concept and make it unique. From a central piece on the set to a clever game mechanism to a new way of judging or a new way to tell us a story – tell us something we haven't heard before! Make sure to highlight what sets your format apart from others.
  • Repeatability and adaptability – are a must. A truly successful format can sustain multiple seasons across different countries. Can your idea have a second season in different territories?
  • Second screen and audience engagement – are definitely worth thinking about, but not mandatory.
  • Potential for branded content or sponsorship – can add to the appeal but should not be the center of the idea.

Do you want to enter? Easy-peasy. This is what you can expect:

1. Submit your cutting-edge, innovative, revolutionary format idea via the website (below) by September 15, 2024.

2. Wait patiently while candidates are shortlisted.

3. Get a message with news about your status. If you are shortlisted, you'll be invited to a video conference with Armoza Formats to verbally pitch your format. Exciting!

4. Cross your fingers while the Formagination team selects the finalists.

I’m a Finalist! What happens now?

1. You will have the opportunity to take part in video meetings with Armoza Formats' Development Team in the lead up to the live pitch competition, to get their help in improving your format, adjusting it to the global market, and preparing you for the live event.

2. You will create an amazing video and an engaging presentation for your live pitch. This is really important, as we expect all our finalists to have great materials for the competition!

3. You will attend the live competition during the special session on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, on the crossover day of Realscreen Summit and NATPE Global 2025, and deliver your pitch with swag!

The deadline for entries is
Sunday, September 15, 2024, at 12:00pm EDT.

Have questions? Please contact Jen Fitzgerald at


For submission inquiries, please contact Jennifer Fitzgerald at